June 13, 2021

8 advices to boost your CV
Student CV
We know it, writing a CV could be complicated when we are student and don't have many professional experience. Hopefully! UXCO Student prepared many advices to help you get your next internship / job !
#1 : Be careful about the presentation
Adapt the style of your CV according to the line of business you’re looking for. For a designer job your CV has to be more creative than for an accounting job or a legal one. Also, don’t use fuchsia color. At last, don’t forget to structure with distinct columns and specify your hobbies, recruiters will be able to determine your personality.
#2 : Don't forget to note the job that you want
In order to guide the recruiter and facilitate the reading of your CV, it is important to note what you are looking for, usually under your name / your contact information.
#3 : Don't try too hard
You don’t need to write all your previous experiences, have a limit of 4, the one which are the most relevant for the internship / job you’re looking for.
#4 : Not much experience? Focus on your skills
If you’re an High School senior or a first year at the university, they are chances that you don’t have much to write beside babysitting or a junior internship. Don’t worry, it doesn’t mean you won’t find something, we’ve all been there! You can highlight your skills, if you’re a hard worker, curious, independent, those are qualities required in the world of work.
#5 : Specify what type of lessons
Not everybody knows every class in universities / schools / IT, and it depends in which city you’re studying. Below the title of your formation, write some important class that could be an interesting topic of conversation during an interview.
#6 : Don't lie!
It’s wellknown, in general we embellish the reality to have more chance.
But hold on, don’t write “fluent in French” if your vocabulary is just introducing yourself, you will be surprised during the interview (or worst, when you will be hiried). If the truth is coming out, all your skills will be in reconsideration.
#7 : Be careful of your CV picture
The picture is not necessary on a cv, but if you decided to add one, It’s better to use an identity picture instead of your best snap selfie with a filter, you will thanks us later ;)
#8 : Be careful of misspells
Same as for the motivation letter any misspells could be prohibitive. A rereading is necessary to make sure spelling and contact information have no errors for example. If spelling is not one of your strengths don’t hesitate to ask for !