École nationale supérieure de technologie des biomolécules de Bordeaux

Bordeaux National School of Biomolecule Technology (ENSTBB) is a public engineering school in Bordeaux INP. The school offers 1 training of engineers in biotechnology in initial training under student status and/or in professionalization contract as well as a set of specific continuing training in the biotech sector in health.

École nationale supérieure de technologie des biomolécules de Bordeaux

146 Rue Léo Saignat

33076 Bordeaux-Bègles

Listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, Bordeaux is a tourist metropolis, the wine capital of the world, which has transformed itself into a major player in tomorrow’s technologies. 4th student city of France, labeled French Tech, Bordeaux is a city in which it is good to live, study and undertake!