ENSAM Bordeaux Talence
Since its creation in 1780, Arts et Métiers has been responding to industrial challenges and societal challenges, which are constantly evolving. His first assignment, huh? Train engineers who specialize in sustainable technologies: engineers who can design environmentally friendly products and systems, but also control an industrial organization by controlling risks and costs. The Bordeaux-Talence campus is positioned on three strategic topics: aeronautics and space, environmental process engineering, materials for sustainable development.
ENSAM Bordeaux Talence
Esplanade des Arts et Métiers
33405 Bordeaux-Bègles
Based in one of the largest university fields in Europe, the Bordeaux-Talence campus is at the heart of a particularly dynamic ecosystem. The Aquitaine region includes several high-tech industries: civil and military aviation, space, composite materials, electronics... So many opportunities for partnerships with the entire regional industrial fabric, from SMEs to large groups.