L'IJBA - Université Bordeaux Montaigne
The Bordeaux Aquitaine Journalism Institute (IJBA) is an internal institute of the Bordeaux Montaigne University (art. L 713-9 of the Education Code), created by decree of 11 September 2006. The IJBA replaces the journalism branch of the IUT of the University of Bordeaux 3 and awards a professional master’s degree in journalism, recognized by the profession in the same way as the former DUT of journalism. The beginnings of journalism training in Bordeaux were initiated by Robert Escarpit, writer, great reporter at Le Monde who created the IUT of journalism in 1967. It was then directed by Pierre Christin, writer and scriptwriter. In the framework of the unification of European diplomas, and under the direction of Edith Rémond, journalist and academic, the IUT is converted into IJBA. Installed in a new building.
L'IJBA - Université Bordeaux Montaigne
1 rue Jacques Ellul
33080 Bordeaux-Bègles
Email : journalisme@ijba.u-bordeaux-montaigne.fr
Housed in a new building in the city centre, the IJBA welcomes 36 students each year to the Professional Master of Journalism and up to 8 students to the University Diploma of Journalist Image Reporter Journalism training in Bordeaux was recognized by the collective agreement of journalists in 1975. IJBA is a member of the Council of Public Schools of Journalism (CEPJ).