L'école des experts métiers de l'informatique
SUPINFO, founded in 1965, was one of the top schools to train professionals in the emerging worlds of computer science and its various developments. Currently present on more than 10 campuses, including hybrid campuses, in France and internationally, SUPINFO offers through an innovative pedagogy a Bachelor of Science of 3 years and a Master of Science of 2 years
L'école des experts métiers de l'informatique
10 Rue Alfred Kastler
14000 Caen
Email : muriel.blindelamare@supinfo.com
The Norman city is known for hosting a large student community. With more than 33,000 students, Caen offers many options for training. One of the advantages of studying in Caen is the fact of living in a city of human size while deploying a strong dynamic in terms of development. The urban area of Caen-Normandie represents 170,000 jobs and 37,000 businesses. It is, by its size and dynamism, the first economic, industrial, employment and administrative pole of Normandy in the west