STAPS - Université de Montpellier

The UFR STAPS (Sciences and Techniques of Physical and Sports Activities) of the University of Montpellier, is one of the largest in France with more than 2,200 students. It offers a diversified training offer with 4 Bachelor’s degrees, 3 Master’s degrees including 7 specific courses, 2 DEUST, 1 professional license and many DU.

STAPS - Université de Montpellier

700 Avenue du Pic Saint-Loup

34090 Montpellier

Our trainings prepare for all the professions related to sport, physical activity, movement: coaches, teachers of physical education and sport, teachers in ABS (Adapted Physical Activities), fitness trainers, coaches, sports educators, sports equipment design professionals, sports tourism and sporting event professionals, executives in the sports performance or health sectors, teachers-researchers, video analyst, etc.