Institut de Formation en Soins infirmiers et l'Institut de Formations des Aides-Soignants
The Institut de Formation en Soins Infirmiers and the Institut de Formation des Aides-Soignants of the Centre Hospitalier de Pau are located on the hospital site and communicate directly with the Institut de Formation des Cadres de Santé. IFSI and IFAS are responsible for: - Initial training of State-educated nurses (IDE) - Caregiver training in full or partial courses (gateways for child care workers, social workers, ambulance attendants, etc. and other courses with validated common modules) - FDI training at the Centre Hospitalier and structures outside the tutorship.
Institut de Formation en Soins infirmiers et l'Institut de Formations des Aides-Soignants
4 boulevard Hauterive
64046 Pau
Email : ifsi@ch-pau.fr ifas@ch-pau.fr
IFSI/IFAS becomes a place of exchange, of confrontations of ideas with the students, the trainers and the professionals of the internship structures promoting the development of indispensable links. The direction of IFSI and IFAS is provided by the Director of Care in charge of the Institute, under the responsibility of the Director of the Pau Hospital Center.
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